
At this point we should accept the idea that during our life climate change will alter coasts, cities, entire economies and everyday life.
Here’s how technology will help us study and cope with the changes – not just climate change – that await us.

Manageritalia tell us the story of Desamanera through an interview with mentor Donatello Aspromonte and our Antonino Italiano.

“Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat.” (Anonymous)
The project “SUP3R & Co.: SUrface finishing, 3D Printing – Research & Communication” set up by the Veneto Region within the Regional Operational Program F.S.E. 2014-2020 fully reflects this quote.

Since May, 28 and for the next weeks, Prof. Jens Günster from BAM was here in Desamanera.
He’s the Director of Division Ceramic Processing and Biomaterials of BAM, a senior scientific at technical federal institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany.