
Industrial revolutions have from time to time radically changed societies and everyday life.
Innovations in production processes and new technologies are leading us to intelligent and effective management of resources, improved services and greater well-being.

Teamwork, comparison and discussion, union of multiple different skills and backgrounds and collaborations, particularly international ones, are essential for a dynamic and effective research and development.

An unexpected mail arrives at the end of July.
“We would like you to promote your experience in the RISE project called AMITIE. In fact, we understand that DESAMANERA SRL has been involved and has sent staff to various European universities. ”…

Once again the results are not long in coming: two 3D printed prototypes, born from the partnership between Desamanera and BAM, the German federal research center, within the AMITIE project, were on display at the Hannover Messe 2019 where in recent days the numerous visitors have seen them in person and touched their complexity.

Manageritalia tell us the story of Desamanera through an interview with mentor Donatello Aspromonte and our Antonino Italiano.

It’s called “Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro”, literally “alternation of school and work”. It’s a young apprenticeship programme designed for girls and boys who attend the last three years of high school, made mandatory all over Italy in the last 3 years.

“Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat.” (Anonymous)
The project “SUP3R & Co.: SUrface finishing, 3D Printing – Research & Communication” set up by the Veneto Region within the Regional Operational Program F.S.E. 2014-2020 fully reflects this quote.

Since May, 28 and for the next weeks, Prof. Jens Günster from BAM was here in Desamanera.
He’s the Director of Division Ceramic Processing and Biomaterials of BAM, a senior scientific at technical federal institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany.

On June 23th, 2016 was presented at the Iuav of Venice’s first Master of second level on the Heritage. This October, then, Iuav and Desamanera start a strategic partnership path in order to chart a new path useful for industry and research. These two realities the academic and the business world, will join in a synergistic way to interchange and merge their knowledge, their specific contribution. Will, in fact, provided the knowledge necessary to carry out any missing parts of the artifact is digitally analogy is through 3D printing technologies.

Art(&)Form the project funded by the European Community to create a web platform and be the hub aggregation of an European network of artists, designers, manufacturers and digital printers in the 3D printing large scale.